"who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began," ~II Timothy 1:9 NKJV

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

Today we begin our new all-church Bible Study. It is titled "StressBusters - A Fresh Look at Psalm 23". I am looking forward to the new things God has for me to learn from this familiar Psalm. It is an 8-week study and each Sunday, Pastor will be preaching on the same theme as the week's study.

I have joined a new group of women for this study. I will miss my regular study group on Thursdays. But, I wanted to be sure that there was a Monday night study so that my daughter could attend. We have always attended Thursday nights together, but this is her student teaching year and she has a class on Thursday evenings. So I volunteered to lead a group. I am fairly new to my church, so this gives me the opportunity to get to know some of the other women better. A win-win...isn't God good!!

This is the first time I have lead a Bible study, and I am praying that God will make it an edifying experience for me as well as for the other girls. We will have 9 women in the group, so it is a good size for giving everyone the chance to share. I know that we are going to have a blessed time in God's word and fellowship!

We are begin this first week by starting our prayer lists, passing out the study materials, and with a dinner, and get acquainted time. I am taking chicken enchilada casserole, a cake & raspberry iced tea. Veta, my co-leader and I decided we would provide the food for this meeting and then ask the other girls to bring snacks each week, in turn.

Are you in a Bible study group? What are you studying now? I'd love to hear about it!

Father, thank you for the opportunity to meet together and study your word! I recognize that it is a freedom that some do not have. Show us how to live lives that honor you. Teach us to lean on you for our needs and to take our fears and burdens to the cross. Help me to be a blessing to the women in my group and to listen with a soft heart so that I can learn from them. I don't know the needs of all these ladies, but help me to serve them with grace and love. I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

Blessings for your day, Chris

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I love your post Chris. You have such a gentle heart. The women are very blessed to have you as their leader. Keep us informed on how the study is going. Please pray for me as I start a new job tomorrow. Our church has hired me as their "Ministry Assistant" or church secretary :) Praying for you this week! God Bless~