"who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began," ~II Timothy 1:9 NKJV

Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm Back!

Have you missed me? *Ü* I have not posted since the beginning of November! Loooong story, which I will attempt to make short enough to not bore you all to tears!

Life gets very busy for my family in November. My daughter & I both have birthdays, then comes Thanksgiving and the preparations for the Christmas season. I really did mean to post at least a couple of times...

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I ended up at the hospital with a severe "female" problem. They did a biopsy, sent me home with medication which helped a great deal, and told me I would hear from my Gynecologist after Thanksgiving. You know that sent me to my knees! And on the Friday after, I did hear from him, but not with the news I wanted. I was told that I had endometrial cancer. The biopsy cells were grade 1 (the least active & invasive) and that I would need to have a complete hysterectomy.

Between my own family, friends & my church, there was a whole lot of praying going on! I can't tell you how many cyber-friends were praying and church prayer lists I was placed on. I am so thankful for all these wonderful saints who were willing to pray for someone they'd never met in person!

On January 6th, my very sweet, skilled (and handsome) surgeon, Dr. Mahavni, performed the hysterectomy. I prayed that morning that my Lord would be standing beside him, guiding his hands. I know He was there! My cancer had not progressed beyond the uterus. The hysterectomy was all that was needed. No chemo, no radiation! Hallelujah!

I am living breathing proof that God answers prayer! And even if the outcome had been different, I had the "peace that passes all understanding" about God's care and love for me, whatever the situation.

This has not been the most pleasant experience physically. But what I have learned about Jesus and my relationship with him has been a true blessing!

It is 5 weeks post-surgery. I am feeling mostly well and looking forward to getting back into the swing of things! That includes posting regularly here.

I am starting the Beth Moore study of Esther this Wednesday night. I always learn so much in our Women's Bible Study. I'm sure I'll have lots to share!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for my salvation!
I praise & thank you for restoring my health! Help me to be mindful of this precious gift in all I do, eat & drink. Thank you for the work you have done in my life over the last few months. Help me to continue to draw closer to you! Please send special blessings to all those who prayed for me and are now praising with me! Help me to become a prayer warrior, always ready to pray for the needs of others. Allow me to be a blessing to any who have similar health issues. Use this blog to reach and care for others!

In Jesus precious name, AMEN!

Have a blessed day! Chris


Cheryl said...

I am glad you are back. I am sorry for the hard times you have been through. Thank the LORD you are back, in better health! Hope you have a great week!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh Chris , I am so glad to see you back ! I can tell you are feeling better ! We have an awesome God don't we Chris. He certainly had his hand on me too. \o/ \o/ \0/

bp said...

Praise God for his hand on you the past few months. I hope you enjoy your Esther study. I've heard good things about it.